6 - Multi-Shaft Album Weave

This weeks assignment is devoted to just spending time playing on a multi-shaft loom.

Materials #

Item Qty Location
Weft Yarns as much as you like in class
Audio Player and Headphones 1 you
Scissors 1 you
Warped 8-Shaft Loom 1 in class

Requirements #

Spend 2 hours weaving on one of the 8-shaft loom (an appointment calendar is available via Canvas). Listen to your favorite albums, weave something that reminds you of the music. Focus on the feel, giving yourself room to play. Leave your work on the loom and weave a 2" tabby header after your work to prep the loom for the next person.

What To Document In Your Weekly #

Include images of what you made and what you experimented with as you played.

Turn In #

Turn your documentation into Canvas. Leave your swatches on the loom and we’ll cut them off during class.