5 - Dynamic Color Work

Dynamic Color Work #

Ebb Thermochromic Pigment Seven-Segment Display

This week will focus on color work and using different colors and environmental stimulus to reveal hidden patterns.

Materials #

Item Qty Location
Thermochromic or Photochromic Paint ? in class
Paint Brush 1 in class
Warped Cricket Loom 1 from weekly 3
Weft Yarns 10 yds in class
Connectors 3 from Weekly 2
(optional) Statex Conductive Thread 2 yards kit
(optional) 9V Battery 1 kit
Scissors 1 you
Multimeter 1 you

Requirements #

Paint 1-3 yards of a material of your choosing with thermochromic or photochromic pigments. Weave two different swatches that combine those painted materials, with traditional materials, such that when you expose them to the stimulus (light or heat) they reveal different color effects. If you used a white or neutral warp, you are also welcome to paint on the warp directly.

Bonus: If you are using thermochromic pigments on your yarn, consider using a drop spindle to wind the painted yarn with the statex conductive thread. Because the Statex thread has higher resistance, when you connect the thread to power, it will activate the color change.

What To Document In Your Weekly #

Your weekly template should focus on exploring techniques for integrating the color changing materials.

Turn In #

Turn your documentation into Canvas. Cut and finish your swatches and bring them to class.